Today I installed three smoke detectors. They were puchased at Sam's Club. Made by Kidde, of North Carolina. Made in China. After I finished putting them up, I noticed that the package said there were bilingual instructions in Spanish and English inside. So I took a look. What I found first made me upset, then made me a bit cocky.
You see, I'm an American. I am functionally illiterate in foreign languages. As a result, I have to be smarter than people in the rest of the world, who have to have instructions printed up in their languages to tell them how to do things. As an American, I figure it out on my own.
The instructions in the package were in Spanish. Only Spanish. There were no bilingual instructions, and no separate English instructions. I took that as confirmation that the Kidde Company believes that English speaking Americans are smart enough to hang smoke detectors without any instruction, but people who speak Spanish are not that quick on the uptake.
That, or Kidde is being blackmailed by La Raza.
Maybe next the printing on dollar bills will have to be in Spanish so certain people will understand how to use them.
Kind of frosts a person. There is a cost to everything. I wonder how much extra it costs American consumers (that's U.S. Americans, goofballs!) to have additional instructions included in every package. How many extra trees have to be cut down every year to supply the paper? Maybe the companies should be required to post the extra costs on the package labels, just like the nutritional information. And no, HP, I am not in any way inferring that anyone would eat a smoke detector. Unless they thought it was a Norte Americano tortilla.
Look Out for Morty!
11 years ago
Why not? Just think of the nutritional value!
ReplyDeleteNow the ever important question. Is the language skill set of the audience sufficient to understand the title, or will you only upset people who don't care to try and understand?
ReplyDeleteThe world is full of ignorant people. All you have to do is read some of the comments to internet news stories. Frankly, I don't give an odoriferous gastric gas cloud if people get their serapes in a knot over what I wrote.