Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Manly Flower

My little Mixy was in Wal-Mart and asked the clerk for a "manly flower" for her Daddy. Here's what she brought me:

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I Mus' Comment

The late great flap over Don Imus, his use of politically incorrect phraseolgy, and the ensuing firestorm that left him without a job is symptomatic of the failure of the American eduction system to teach the essentials of reasonable government.

Imus was doltish enough to use gutter language to describe a college sports team. He was set upon by the Reverands (so called) Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. In his defense, he exhibited more "Christian" behavior than either of the two wolves in pastors' clothing. They appear to believe that vengeance is theirs, and the right to lynch has devolved to those who feel insulted.

The simple facts of the case are these : Imus has been deprived of his civil rights by the lunatic civil rights gestapo. He was discriminated against based on a combination of race and culture and fired for exercising his rights under the First Amendment. The ACLU is asleep at the wheel; a sharp attorney could make a name for himself and a bundle of cash to boot if he were to persuade Imus to pursue a civil rights lawsuit against the Revs and his former employers.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Pot s

Well, the peppers have been popping through fantastically. About 100 pots, most of which have 3-5 plants each. All six of the chili pepper pots have sprouts. Nearly 100% showing with the jalapenos, spicy wax, and spicy bananas. The old California Wonder seed did not send anything up; I planted an additional 16 new pots with new California Wonder seed. Then there are the 24 roma and 36 rutgers tomato pots...

I have to build a greenhouse.

Gotta go check the coffee cans of old potting soil that I'm sterilizing in the garage oven. 250 degrees for two hours should fix any nasty stuff that might have been there.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I read this :

about a kid in Britain who was investigated for a "homophobic crime" because he called a schoolmate "gay".

Maybe somebody ought to publish a dictionary for lawmakers. Since when is it a crime to have a phobia? Besides, I would prefer it if everyone in the world had a phobia regarding sin, whether the sin be theft, or adultery, or homosexuality. Or even pride and selfishness.

Long live homophobia! Fear sin, because if you sin and do not repent, the consequences are eternal and fearful.

Had to vent. Goodnight, all.