Saturday, February 23, 2013

Striking back at The Empire

One of the unique aspects of America has been her historic position, based in the Torah, of "Equal justice under the law." (viz. Ex. 23:2-3,6; Lev. 19:15, 24:22; Dt, 16:18-20). There are those of us who have bound ourselves to uphold our Constitution, defending it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Here is an example of some folks taking that seriously, and making a stand against some domestic enemies of the Constitution :

The Police Loophole

I wonder if the makers of defensive tools, like body armor, will have similar dedication to the rule of law.


  1. Just checked that list again. On 2/22 it was 34 companies; today it is 62. Don't tread on me!

  2. 3/3/13 -- count is now 115 companies and still growing ...
