The 11th Chapter of Daniel tells of the King of the South, who seems to be a vain ("his heart shall be lifted up"), irritable person ("moved with choler"). He repeatedly attacks the King of the North, who naturally counterattacks, and, as a result, "... he shall stand in the glorious land, ...".
The King of the South -- the King of Kenya?
Anybody know the Aramaic word for "teleprompter"? Is that a device that allows a person to "speak lies at one table"? Poor Daniel -- he never saw a modern press conference. Or maybe it is us we should feel sorry for?
Ah, well. Read the whole thing. Just remember that its whole purpose is not to provide people with the ability to interpret the future, but for people to look back after everything is finished and say , "Yep, the Eternal said it would happen that way."
Look Out for Morty!
11 years ago
King of Kenya. I liked that. h.p.