I'm glad Big Al invented the internet. That makes it easy to find interesting facts. Maybe Al sometimes wishes that the internet would go away. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) keeps track of the country's weather. Guess what? The facts are being stubborn; they have sort of slid in to the Global Warming Denier Camp.
Lessee, now -- some graphs of temperature trends in the US of A since 1998 (that was a good year for Al, since he was still almost the President of the United States, just a heartbeat behind Slick Willie) can be found on the NOAA website. Lessee what they show...genuine stolen government images of mean temperatures for every month, every quarter, and annually, since 1998.
Anybody want to buy some carbon credits? Snake oil, anyone?
I wonder what the next ten years will look like, as we run through Sunspot Cycle 24? (If it ever gets up and gets going!!)
Look Out for Morty!
11 years ago
I’m just tired of everyone picking at Al and all the others who are so concerned about this world and my welfare. I love Al Gore and I’m so thankful that he did invent this internet thing and discovered that the globe was warming and.... Wow, it’s hard to keep a straight face while typing that.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite new buzz word from these pseudo-intellectuals is the “Carbon footprint” I thought mine was a size 10.5 but it’s really an 11.5. Al Gore and Rosie O’Donnell are preaching now that we should cut back the size of our carbon footprint; this should be done by buying hybrid vehicles because they are “Eco-friendly”. This is just more misinformation from the tree hugging liberals. This hybrid vehicle runs on a gas/electric engine. They neglect to tell you that the mining process of the elements to make this high out-put battery is leaving more of a foot print in our environment then the hydro carbons from the fossil fuel alone. Not to mention the discharge from the batteries in the hybrids as they are running. It is also estimated that these hybrid vehicles cost 6 to 8 THOUSAND DOLLARS more than their gas only counterparts, and that their longevity is significantly less. You will never recoup what you put into this vehicle; it is a financial loss from the start. They have also found that these batteries are more toxic to us then any fuels burnt, or lead, or even most radioactive waist. Thanks Al!
These people (tree hugging know-it-alls) are wrong again like with global warming. Oh, and let us not forget to mention their push for Ethanol fuels. You know, the gasoline with corn squeezing in it. This is another environmental mislead. Ethanol cost more in money and resources; it takes 4 gallons of fresh water to make 1 gallon of ethanol. Talk about wasting our natural resources. I guess Al and the others figure that when the globe warms we will have all the water we need from the melting ice caps.
Seriously though, the farms that produce the corn are not growing food crops so the price of food has subsequently increased. Oh yes, this is sound thinking people. Gasoline at 4 bucks a gallon, why? Because we buy it from other countries and the Huggers won’t let us retrieve our own from places like Texas, Oklahoma, and Alaska. We have restrictions on where we drill and how much we can extract from exciting wells. Did you know that one of the largest oil strikes in the WORLD was found in a little town called Kilgore Texas? This happened about a hundred years ago, and it is estimated by some that this reserve alone holds as much oil as all the fields in Kuwait.
I think what we need is better people in government, what do you think? That’s why I’m nominating Hansen for President of the United States of America in this upcoming election. What do you say Hansen, will you answer the call? I would do it myself but I have a phobia about rooms without corners.
Here is how we can save our environment. Find an old vehicle, pre-1978. Fill it full of gasoline and an after market lead additive for the Gasoline. Don’t wear your seat belt either, for the full free nostalgic affect. Drive to Washington DC. And find a couple of these liberal liar-crats and run them over. If everyone just gets one of them, we could change the world in a very short time. I know, I know it’s wrong, but one can dream of happier times, can’t one?
ReplyDeleteI know one way we can cut back on the carbon footprint, stop Al and Rosie from talking. Just think of all the CO2 (Hot air) we could reduce if we could shout them up.
ReplyDeleteOk I'll stop now.