Earlier today I got an email from Boisy Pitre, one of my on-line friends who develops Mac software, and as a hobby, supports our common interest, the Tandy Color Computer running NitrOS-9 (which is an operating system very similar to UNIX and Linux -- many very similar commands in the shell -- but which was designed to run in a 64kB space under the Motorola 68B09E processor). He wrote to the CoCoList:
Aside from Aaron [Wolfe], Jim [Hathaway] and I attempting this (with slightly buggy software), this is probably a first.
If you want to play around with NitrOS-9/6309 Level 2, then telnet to my system. I have tsmon running on ports t0-t6, although t0 isn't working for some reason. That leaves 6 ports that can be in use simultaneously.
Press ENTER when connected. You should see the tsmon login prompt, though depending on how other users disconnected, you may see a shell prompt when you press ENTER.
To get to it:
telnet aes.dyndns.org 6809
Good luck and please let me know how it works. -- Boisy G. Pitre http://www.tee-boy.com/
So, I fired up the x11 terminal on my iMac, and did this:
Kewl, sez I! Notice my error because it has been so long since I did any file creation in the shell (a decade and a half is a l-o-o-o-o-ng time!).
Telnet connection to a shell on a remote 8-bit machine with six simultaneous users. That used to only be possible on the same wire in the same building. The CoCo enters the 21st Century.
I decided to do something a little different for our anniversary this year so I booked a little get-away at the Deer Creek Bed and Breakfast in Litchfield. It s a nice place to relax : two-person jetted tub in the suite, hot tub and heated pool in the greenhouse. We opted not to use the hot tub or pool, and just stayed in the room. I ran some hot water in the tub, we got in, turned on the jets, and for about a half hour enjoyed the turbulence.
Hot water massage by candlelight, and a basket of snacks with a complimentary bottle of champagne for reserving the room by calling the owner directly rather than going through bedandbreakfast.com. Which happens to be a really terrible website -- it doesn't present the terms and conditions of use until after you start inputting your credit card info, and it won't let you print out a copy to keep. (Yeah, yeah, I know I could grab a screen shot but when I'm paying, I want to dictate the conditions.) So there I sat naked by the tub, eating Aldi potato chips and sipping pink champagne, while pondering the incongruity of it all. If you don't like the picture, change the channel.
In the morning they served us a great breakfast; grapefruit, coffee, I had eggs and bacon with fried red potatoes and toast whilst VJ had waffles.
Then we headed south to Lodi Station Outlets to purchase some intimate apparel, and finally further south to Mansfield for the Christmas get-together. Joonyah fried a turkey. It was good, but I have a feeling that deep-frying the bird in oil may leach out some of the embalming fluid the birds are basted with; I think that roasting them in the turkey bag keeps in the precious liqueurs.
Just over 1.8 meters tall with a distinct clicking sound (like Captain Hook's crocodile) emanating from the upper thoracic cavity. Known allergies : poison ivy. Known accelerators ; dark chocolate and black coffee. Acquired Irritation Disorders : Blogs that waste bandwidth by automatically playing music or showing movies.
"I have an excuse : all of my ancestors were teenagers..." From the Sayings of Grampa Jim,
Copyright 2003. Unauthorized use of my stuff may cause senility.
Randomness and Free Will are both useful constructs for explaining behavior, but neither are provable and both only exist in the philosophies of their believers. I believe nothing exists outside the will of GOD, and look forward to the final test of that position.
From the sayings of Grandpa Jim, Copyright 2016. Unauthorized use of my stuff may cause senility.